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PSA condemns mistreatment of employees during investigations at Department of Home Affairs

Source: Polity, 08/08/2024

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The Public Servants Association (PSA) has received alarming reports of mistreatment of the Union’s members employed at the Department of Home Affairs during recent raids conducted by the Special Investigating Unit, the Hawks, and the former Minister of Home Affairs.

Employees have reported feeling traumatised, being treated like criminals, and enduring unjust treatment, despite their non-involvement in any wrongdoing. During these operations, employees experienced invasive actions, including the confiscation of cell phones and random searches.

Whilst the PSA firmly supports the combatting of corruption and urges its members to cooperate with lawful investigations, the Union demands that all law-enforcement agencies must conduct their activities within the boundaries of the law, respecting the dignity and rights of all persons.

The PSA has confronted the Department of Home Affairs regarding the troubling behaviour of counter-corruption officials who have been accused of overstepping their authority. Reports of intimidation, threats, and coercion to write statements are deeply concerning. Such actions undermine the principles of justice and fairness.

All employees, like every South African, are entitled to dignity and must be presumed innocent until proven guilty. Many employees subjected to these harsh investigative tactics are often found innocent, with no evidence against them, and only a few have legitimate cases to answer for. The PSA unequivocally supports efforts to eradicate fraud and corruption in the Department of Home Affairs but cannot condone the mistreatment of the Union’s members and other employees. The PSA urges the Department and relevant law-enforcement agencies to ensure that their actions are just, respectful, and in line with the legal rights of employees.

The PSA will continue to advocate for the fair treatment of public-sector employees and will not hesitate to take further action to protect the rights and dignity of the Union’s members
Issued by Public Servants Association

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